Whenever and Wherever possible, be Instrumental in preserving and implement the principles of Krishna Consciousness demonstrated by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in His Life and Teachings.

"Matchless Gifts", located at 26, 2nd Avenue in New York's Lower East Side, is Monumental in Establishing ISKCON,
[International Society for Krishna Consciousness]. Later known as "The Hare Krishna Movement". Once served as the
Head Quarter for ISKCON, 26, 2nd Avenue still plays a significant role in The Hare Krishna Movement today with regular weekly Kirtan (Hymn), Bhagavat Gita Study, Q&A, Vegetarian feast and more. Click below to learn more about 26, 2nd Avenue.
The Hare Krishna Academy is an institution where by all members must be tutored in The 4 YOGA Principles from the Life and Teachings of Srila Prabhupada.
Our purpose is to establish a Contemporary Vedic Atmosphere wherever possible, where
His Life and Teachings are preserved and demonstrated in such a way that is joyful and attractive to the curious and inquisitive
minds, for people of all walks of life.​
-Tutoring The 4 YOGA Principles and the importance of Bhakti Yoga in our lives .....
-The taste for vegetarian food [Prasadam] that is pleasing and healthy .....
-Distributing Love of God [Krishna] through
Books, Seminars, outreach program .....
-Inspire and educate our youths .....
-Community Services, paying it forward .....
To find out more about how you can help in this joyous and enlivened process please click below ...